Archive for March, 2008

Fast Food Nutrition Guide

“Healthy Fast Food – Fast Food Nutrition Guide


Avoid any sandwiches that are deep fried

A good rule to remember is to avoid any sandwiches that are deep fried. These include any that have deep fried fish or chicken in them. You can imagine that the process of frying them in fat like this makes them a very bad choice for your health.

I would always recommend going with chicken any time that it is available. Chicken meals will usually be lower in fat, provided they haven’t been deep fried or come loaded with mayo. If the only chicken that is available is deep fried, then take a look at the burgers that you have to choose from.

Get your meal with a salad instead of French fries

Another obvious rule is to get your meal with a salad instead of French fries. I know – salad is nowhere near as exciting to eat asFast food, French fries French fries. It is okay to order the fries once in awhile, as long as you don’t make it a habit – especially if you are eating fast food regularly.

Eating them from time to time isn’t going to hurt you, but if you are eating enough French fries to power a motor with the grease, then you need to start finding a way to cut down on them.

Meatless burgers

There has been an increase in the offering of meatless burgers in some fast food places. It could be because of the large number of people who no longer eat meat, I’m not sure – and if you live near a college or university this could be a reason.

Many college age kids go through the phase of being “animal friendly”, until they grow up a bit and realize how much better meat tastes compared to tofu! Whatever the reason, if they do offer meatless burgers at your local fast food restaurant, you can try ordering them.

Meatless burgers are sometimes less in fat than a normal burger, but they will most likely take some getting used to. I have a hard time with them personally, but everyone has different tastes.

Just remember that if you do get these burgers, just because they are meatless, that doesn’t mean that you can pile on the cheese and mayo. These burgers aren’t usually that much lower in fat than their real meat counterparts, so be careful.


The best place to go for healthy fast food is Subway, or any other really good sub shop. You can load up your sandwich with some tasty veggies instead of the fatty things like mayo and cheese. It is still a good idea to go with chicken, although most places offer turkey as well.

Another great thing about Subway is that the fat content is very visible and out in the open. It is advertised all over the store how much fat the sandwiches contain. And with all the healthy extras you can pile onto your sandwich, you won’t even miss the mayo or cheese.

Order water or a diet soda

When ordering a drink at a fast food place, you can keep the calories lower by ordering water or a diet soda. Some people don’t care for the taste of diet drinks, so water is a good choice for anyone. You can ask for a slice of lemon to add into the water to give it a bit of flavour and keep your mind off of the sodas and high calorie drinks.

Eat healthy fast food to keep fitEating healthy fast food doesn’t need to be difficult – it just takes some adjusting to your habits. If you follow some of the tips in this little fast food nutrition guide, you will be eating healthier and feeling so much better for it!

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