10 fitness mistakes
Apr 9th 2008adminWeight loss tips
“Weight Loss Tips Starting With The
Top 10 Fitness Mistakes”
Everyone who has ever started a diet or weight loss program in their lives, has dropped out at least once. No matter how they may lead you to believe otherwise, even the experts and pros have had failures that they never finished.
There are many reasons for this happening – work and social life interferes, lack of support, not seeing results fast enough and boredom then setting in – all contribute to these programs being pushed to the side.
With the right mindset, and a bit of planning, however, some of these problems can be avoided. So, keep reading for some weight loss tips you can use, that start with a list of some of the most common mistakes many people make when trying to get fit.
1. Failure to plan ahead
If you only have a vague target of what your goals are, then you are setting yourself up to fail. How will you be able to judge any progress you are making, or whether or not you have reached your goal?
If you are unsure of what your goals should include, consult with your doctor as to what your ideal weight should be, and make that your goal. Or, try focusing on losing a few inches around your waist or thighs.
2. Coming up with excuses.
Making excuses for avoiding a workout will also set you up for failing. It is understood that life sometimes throws obstacles into our well laid plans, but with a little bit of rearranging, plans can be adapted. Just because something else came up at the last minute is no excuse to avoid it – reschedule and make sure you fit it in somehow.
3. Not working out enough.
Yes, this likely seems fairly obvious, but there are many people out there who believe that just because they have lifted a couple dumbbells, or done 10 sit-ups, that they are done with their work-out for the day.
Sit down and come up with an effective exercise program that you know you can stick with. If you don’t know what you should be including, talk to a trainer or someone else who has been exercising for many years to offer their advice.
4. Working out too much.
While working out too little isn’t going to work, doing too much at one time won’t but it either. Muscles need time to grow properly and the body needs a chance to burn fat. It is common for people to believe that the body only burns fat when doing exercises, but this isn’t true.
If you have more muscle mass, calories will be burned faster because of the extra energy needed to maintain those muscles. Overtraining will just end up making you feel tired without giving you any of the additional benefits.
5. Comparing themselves to others.
This is a bad pitfall for people to fall into. We need to remember that we are all different, and our bodies are shaped differently. Our metabolism and genetic make-up is also entirely different for everyone, so comparing yourself to someone else is a complete waste of time.
There is no point in judging your own performance based on the achievements of others. Stick to your own plan, and monitor your own progress based on your own set of goals. If you are trying too hard to have the same results as someone else, you will just be setting yourself up to fail
6. Repeating the same exercises over and over.
What better way to lose your motivation for an exercise program than to keep doing the same ones over and over! Learn to change things around a bit from time to time to make up your routines, replacing some with new ones. Make things interesting and fun so that you don’t lose your enthusiasm to keep going.
7. Not cutting alcohol consumption down.
Alcohol has extra calories that you just don’t want, and it is also metabolised very quickly as fat. What is the point of doing a great workout in the gym for 45 minutes, only to throw that whole effort away by having a couple of beers?
8. Starving themselves.
It is a given that you will want to get rid of fast foods, and stop drinking soft drinks. But, make sure you also aren’t going to far overboard, and starving yourself. Many people make this mistake. Do not just assume that you can drive yourself through an exercise program without eating properly, because it won’t work and can end up making you very ill. Muscles need nourishment, and starvation will not help you keep going through your program.
9. Giving up too soon.
Too many people will give up the first time they slip up. Don’t do this. If you stumble, and missed a couple of work-outs, that doesn’t mean you should just give up. Start over, and keep going until you have gone the whole way through. Everyone will slip up from time to time – you aren’t the first one to fall behind. The key is to get back into the program.
10. Looking for that magic fix.
You will never lose weight by watching TV, or sitting in front of the computer. Just because you may be reading up on losing weight in that great diet book, it won’t do a thing until you get up and do something! No more excuses – just get started.
All of these weight loss tips can help you to overcome some of the common mistakes that many of us have made when trying to get through a diet or exercise program. The best thing to do is just get started, and work through it as you go.