Calculate your Body Mass Index

Pounds Feet Inches
Height(cm) Weight(kg)

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Generally, a BMI below 18.5 means you're underweight. A BMI of 25 to 29 means you're overweight. And a BMI of 30 or more means you're very overweight (obese). So people are usually told that a BMI of 18.5 to 25 is healthy.


A high BMI is linked to a number of health problems. These include high blood pressure, too much cholesterol in the blood, and problems regulating blood sugar (which can lead to diabetes). All these things can lead to heart attacks, strokes or other health problems that can shorten your life.


Monitoring Your BMI

Regularly checking your Body Mass Index every few months is a good way to keep an eye on your health. Our free BMI calculator is here permanently so you are welcome to and come back here whenever you want to.


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