Natural weight loss pills
Jul 21st 2008adminWeight loss tips
“Natural Weight Loss Pills”
Who would refuse to have a slim body that would probably get every known creature envious of you? The apparent desire of people to get fit resulted to widespread availability of different weight loss pills in the market.
However, it’s not just achieving that alluring figure that everyone dreams about, most people are now not just body-conscious, but more of health-conscious individuals. This trigger the companies to offer a lot of ‘natural’ health products, and that includes the weight loss pills.
This most wanted pill comes in two forms: the prescribed, which are clinically tested and proven to be effective but contain synthetic chemical ingredients; and the over-the-counter pills which are not clinically tested but are known to contain natural ingredients, thus possessing lesser side effects.
Due to the fact that natural weight loss pills are not approved by medical organizations, there are a lot of factual doubts presented against its ‘naturalness.’ Critics clearly pointed out that being ‘natural’ is not always equivalent to effectiveness.
In fact, when you say your product is natural, there is no way that the government would force you to clinically prove that your product is effective. So what most companies do is simply label these weight loss pills as natural – and without further ado, the product can be sold.
One more thing that critics say is that companies attack their prospect target market through claiming that their product is natural and contains nothing but natural ingredients. This is what most companies do, not because this is what their product really contains, but this is what the consumers would probably buy.
In the contrary, there are still several reasons why you should consider natural weight loss pills over the other. Unless obesity needs to be treated the quickest possible time due to serious illness, prescribed drugs are not often recommended because it contain chemical ingredients that can pose high risk to our health.
Natural weight loss pills have several types: One of which is being fat binders. It binds the fat intakes by forming a fluid gel around the fats so that it would be impossible for the body to absorb. Afterwards, these fats are naturally eliminated through the gastric system. Thus, we can still eat normally than while safely losing weight.
Another one is the most prevalent weight loss product – the metabolism boosters. To speed up the metabolism, products try to affect the heat production of the body, or sometimes stimulate the central nervous system.
Third type is thermogenic calorie burners. This kind of natural weight loss pill burns calories by allowing the body to raise its temperature. However, this type is usually short term, and most probably you’ll have that excess weight again once you stop taking the pill.
Fourth type is a kind of natural weight loss pill that prevents carbohydrates from converting to glucose and fats. This is what they call carb blockers. Thyroid Supplements, the fifth type, works similarly with metabolism boosters.
The only difference is that it targets the thyroid gland. By activating the production of thyroid hormone, it can affect the metabolism of the whole body. This is most effective for those with hypothyroidism, but can also be dangerous at times.
Sixth one is the very well-known weight loss pill, the appetite suppressant. The popularity can be blamed to an effective appetite suppressant, the Hoodia Gordonii. However, the pill should contain only percentage of this ingredient, because it can be not-that-good to our health.
The last type is the mixture of appetite suppressant, metabolism booster, and carb blockers, plus the complex herbal weight loss supplements. Aside from losing weight with a variety of ways, the additional complex herbal provides the nutrients that the body sure needs.
Taking these pills, accompanied with regular exercise and the right choice of foods, you can make every eyes stare at your newly slender body in no time.